Belco Marine Electronics Services
Sale and installation of a wide range of marine electronic equipment to Irish and other EU fishing
vessels and commercial work vessels.
Electrical installations on Irish Mfv's to MSO standard. Approved cables and fittings.
Vessel Monitoring Equipment and ERS Logbook installation and maintenance.
VSAT supply and installation of Sailor/Cobham based system. Airtime plans.
Satellite installations from Globalstar and Inmarsat Fleet One.
GMDSS installations including follow up work, attend for surveys, antenna plans, power drawings Of GMDSS power supply.
AIS class A and Class B systems.
Sodena PC systems, AIS, ARPA, Tides. Interfacing, data backup. PC rebuilds using fanless PC's.
Maxsea Time Zero installations, AIS, ARPA, Tides, 3D, back up and restore of PC data.